Friday, March 21, 2014

Strength from Within

     Comfort comes as a guest, lingers to become a host and stays to enslave us. ~Lee S. Bickmore

     Growing up overweight puts one immediately at the back of the pack, the bottom of the list...the last one chosen.   It's easy to pick on the"fat" kid. Their shortcomings are obvious, their flaws are out there for all to judge. Easy to see. Easy to mock. I had my share of "bad days" growing up.  Looking back I realize now, that those days shaped the person I have become today. I could have allowed the bullies to to enslave force me to hide away lurk in the background and view life from a distance. It would have been easy to say...I can't do it, I'll never make it, it's too hard for me and watch life pass me by...but that's just not a part of my character. 
Instead I forced myself to excel. In school I clawed my way to the top, pushed my way into every "In crowd" my high school had to offer. It wasn't easy, but it was possible and that was my driving force. I joined the Girls fast-pitch softball team and became a team captain and "starting pitcher"...leading our team to undefeated regional championships 4 years in a row. I joined the
yearbook and became the first "sophomore" to ever become the Editor of the yearbook. I started a High School newspaper and remained it's editor throughout high school. I joined student government and quickly became a class officer. I was a member of my high school's FIRST marching band and played several instruments...always holding..."First Chair" in each section. My best friends were the cheerleaders and I became statistician for the boys basketball team. I even joined the girls basketball team. This was how I climbed out of the shadows and into the spotlight. Instead of becoming a "wall-flower", I forced people to take notice. To look past the exterior and focus on all of the wonderful things I had to offer from within. As they got to know who I was, the teasing and taunting ended. These cheerleaders, athletes and even the so called "band-geeks" became my safety net.
So in saying all of this, my advice to you is this; If you feel like an "outsider" find a way to push yourself into the middle. Believe in yourself, and go for what you want. it won't be easy. Unlike the Pretty girl who gets first crack at everything just because she's so attractive, you may not get the first chance at what you want...but if you keep at WILL get the chance...Don't waste it. For all of us "fat" kids out here....KNOCK THEIR SOCKS OFF.

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